"I wish sewing camp could go on forever." uttered Ilinca the same day that Eleanor illustrated how FPR saved her summer. 

In the comic, Eleanor depicted herself sitting at home, completely bored and bummed out that summer had arrived. Then, her mom stepped in to save the day, “Honey, I signed you up for FamilyPoint.”

From there, the illustration transformed, bursting with energy as the speech bubble shouted, “This will be the best summer ever!”

Time is a funny thing. It can stretch on endlessly, and then, just as quickly, it can slip away without warning. Some days it feels like there's never enough, while other times it drags on endlessly. But no matter how time behaves, one thing remains constant: that sharing moments with friends and family, helping those around us, and doing activities that bring us joy all have the power to fill our hearts with hope and happiness.

These moments give us something to look forward to, making the wait feel more bearable and inspiring us to savor the present. After all, it's these special memories that remind us that the good times of the future are being created today.

Stephanie HruzekComment