FamilyPoint Resources


All our programs are rely on volunteers to be successful and help our staff support participants. We have opportunities to volunteer as a sports coach, tutor, play card games, organize the library books, input data, plan community events and more.

Steps to Becoming a FPR Volunteer:

  1. Complete FPR Volunteer Application

  2. Complete Background Check & Abuse Prevention Training

  3. Complete online FPR Volunteer Training

  4. Sign up & Show up!

Click Buttons below to Sign Up

Volunteer Impact


FPR Garden

Kristina Early, the FPR Volunteer of the Year, keeps our garden growing! Kristina, her parents, and other NCL Volunteers weed, water, plant, and harvest the garden. She even brings monthly treats for our participants to try new foods. With her help, the participants of FPR have a true Farm to Table experience!