FPR Scholarships
In response to the obstacles facing youth after high school, we created a College & Career Readiness program to help prepare high school students for life after high school. In the fall of 2018, FamilyPoint Resources received the True Inspiration Award from Chick-fil-A which allowed us to start a FamilyPoint College Scholarship. FPR Scholarships are $5,000 (paid over 2 years) to be used for tuition, fees, books, or room and board, for FPR Participants attending a technical school, college, or university.
Since 2019,
we have provided 47 scholarships to deserving FPR Participants
totaling $223,000.
We are incredibly thankful to all our supporters who have made the FPR Scholarship Fund possible, namely Chick-fil-A True Inspiration Award, Cassandra Brand Interiors, Wilchester Mens Club, and other FPR donors.
Jason Roberts Scholarship
This Scholarship is in honor of Jason Roberts, co-founder of FamilyPoint Resources. Jason is a man with a gentle spirit and willingness to see the good in every person. As a young man he dreamed of creating a place where each child could flourish, knowing they are loved and accepted. As Executive Director, he created avenues that built supportive and caring relationships which taught children they are awesome, just as they are and regardless of their circumstances. His life was shaped by a desire to serve others and through him a community effort to create FamilyPoint Resources flourished.
FPR Founders Scholarship
This Scholarship is in honor of the compassionate individuals who selflessly committed their time, resources, and passions to create a positive change in their community. They are a group of driven individuals who consistently strive for the very best and work to make this world more inclusive, loving, and abundant. They were each an essential part of creating and sustaining FamilyPoint Resources, leaving a legacy in our community.
Ruth & Charles Maple Scholarship
The Ruth & Charles Maple Scholarship is awarded to a first generation student attending a public higher institution in remembrance of Ruth and Charles. The young love between Ruth and Charles began when they enlisted into the Coast Guard during World War II and met in Florida. Both Depression Era children, the foundation of their marriage was built on hard work, a love of learning, and generosity towards others. Life, for Ruth and Charles, was about seizing every opportunity to educate their children while also remembering those who were less fortunate.